
Monday, August 29, 2011

Home Made Dishwasher Detergent

Since we were out of dish detergent, I took a chance and made my own!  I figured what the hell... I would only be out $14 if it didn't!  It was so easy that my 8 year old actually made it all for me-- All I had to do was pour it into the container!  She even started the dishwasher for me!

I didn't take any pictures because I forgot to!  Sorry folks!

All it takes is a big bowl, 2 gallon baggies and:

1 Box 20 Mule Team Borax (about $6)
1 Box Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (for wash machines and not the stuff you cook with) (about $4)
3 Cups of Epsom Salt (about 1 box) ($1)
24 packets of Lemonade Drink Mix (envelopes of kool aid) ($2.40 because I used the off brand)

Mix it all together and put into your 2 gallon baggies!  I filled an entire 1 gallon pitcher and a full gallon ziptop baggie! 

You only use 1tbsp. per load so that will last you a VERY long time! 

I tried it on my last load and the dishes came out sparkly clean!  I can not believe how much I will be able to get out of it! 

Try it out and let me know what you think!

PS! If you want a green "Dishwasher Rinse Aid" use vinegar poured directly into your rinse aid resevoir and see what you think of that!  It works great and should leave them all sparkly clean!


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